On 23 October, IER organised a workshop on "Financial management and audit of projects funded by centralised EU programmes"with the participation of staff from the project offices and financial departments of the partner organisations of the ROAD3P project. The event was designed to be practical and interactive, focusing on the specific challenges faced in their work.
Udeleženci so se skozi delavnico podrobno seznanili s posameznimi kategorijami stroškov, načini obračunavanja in njihovega uveljavljanja v projektih, financiranih s strani EU. Poleg tega so se udeleženci poglobili v dokumentacijo, ki jo je treba voditi, da zagotovijo skladnost in preglednost pri poročanju ter ustrezno pripravo na revizije. Znaten del delavnice je bil namenjen razumevanju sheme pavšalnih stroškov (»lump sum«), ki jo Evropska komisija vedno pogosteje umešča v svoje razpise in s tem končnim upravičencem omogoča enostavnejši način finančnega upravljanja.
The workshop was designed with a very practical approach - participants were actively involved in the discussion and had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss concrete examples from practice. With years of experience in financial audit and EU funds management, the trainer, Mojca Ambrož, provided expert guidance to help participants clarify complex administrative procedures and understand financial rules. During the workshop, participants also gained an insight into the audit process carried out by different EU institutions (EC, ECA, OLAF) and familiarised themselves with the necessary preparations for a successful audit.
The workshop was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of the Next GenerationEU programme Next GenerationEU and the Recovery and Resilience Facility to strengthen the competences of project offices in public research organisations, which are faced on a daily basis with the complex rules and responsibilities of implementing EU projects.