Name of institution: Institute for Economic Research
Short name: IER
Organisational form: Public research institute
Responsible official: dr. Damjan Kavaš, director
Tax number: 81438818
Registration number: 5051690000
Founder: Republic of Slovenia
Registration authority: District court Ljubljana
Date of registration: 20. 6. 1977
Main activity code: 72.200 – Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
Bank account: 0110 0603 0346 182
IBAN: SI56011006030346182 (SWIFT: BSLJSI2X)
The Institute for Economic Research (IER) is an independent research organisation founded in 1965 by the merger of two independent scientific institutes, the Institute of Economics and the Institute of Economics, Statistics and Demography in Ljubljana, and transformed into a public research institute in 1998. It is the largest independent research institution in the field of economics in Slovenia. Our mission and the driving force behind our activities is to create basic knowledge and conduct cutting-edge international research in the field of economics that is relevant for the sustainable development of the Republic of Slovenia. Our research focus is based on the research programme "Slovenia's New Development Strategy in the EU", which is complemented by the implementation of a number of projects in the national and international environment: basic, applied and targeted research projects supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency and various ministries, development projects and expertise for a wide range of governmental and other institutions, and international projects implemented mainly within the framework of EU programmes. We also carry out consultancy projects for individual companies and other organisations. Our research work follows the objectives of the Slovenian Development Strategy 2030, and therefore focuses on the study of economic, social and environmental development factors, as well as the intergenerational and spatial dimensions of sustainable development, and on the study, development and application of methodological tools that enable the production of expert bases for the implementation of the Slovenian Development Strategy, thus contributing to a rapid and effective response to the strategic and current needs of economic policy makers.
For many years, the Institute has been participating in various consortia and groups that provide independent information, analyses and expertise in the field of public policy for the European Commission and other clients, such as European Social Policy Network, IMD, WEF, High Level Group on pensions, EuroGender Network, DG Regio Expert Evaluation Network, European Reference Budgets Network, International Network on Leave Policy and Research, the Demography Network, and the Working Group on the Mid-Term Evaluation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments. The Institute's researchers are members of international advisory bodies and/or bodies of scientific or professional associations such as the Society for Financial Econometrics, the Society for Economic Measurement, the Royal Economic Society, the European Economic Association, the American Economic Association, the Study Group on Exports and Productivity, The European Trade Study Group, Econometric Society, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, EuroQol, ISPOR, Statistical Society of Slovenia, and editorial boards such as Panoeconomicus, Health Care, Review of Economics and Economic Methodology, Revija za socijalnu politika, EconomistsTalkArt. org, The SHARE Blog, Demográfia English Edition. The diverse cooperation with numerous international and national organisations, universities, research and development institutes and other non-governmental organisations contributes significantly to the promotion of the Institute's activities and thus to the affirmation of Slovenian science at the European and global level.
The Institute's work to date has demonstrated its ability to successfully contribute to solving key systemic and socio-economic problems in Slovenia and the European Union. The Institute is therefore one of the few institutions from Slovenia to be ranked among the top think tanks in the world - in 2020 it was ranked 27th in the category "Top Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe" (up from 36th in 2014) and 79th in the world in the category "Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks".
dr. Tjaša Bartolj – chair,
Hedvika Usenik, MSc – member,
dr. Andraž Rangus – member,
Lejla Fajić, BSc in Economics – member,
Petra Žagar, BSc in Geology – member.
dr. Nika Murovec – chair,
dr. Nataša Kump – member,
dr. Boris Majcen – member,
dr. Matjaž Črnigoj – member,
dr. Miroslav Verbič – member,
Klemen Koman, MSc – member,
dr. Damjan Kavaš – member.
Web access: IER website
Physical access, inquiry: at the IER location, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, Ljubljana
Decree on the provision and re-use of public information (UL RS, št. 24/16)
Cost of providing public information
Article 17 of the Decree on the provision and re-use of public information
Public information reuse fees and price list
Articles 20 and 21 of the Decree on the provision and re-use of public information
List of most frequently requested public information
Ksenija PEKEČ
Primary contact
t. +386 1 5303 810
The list of the Institute for Economic Research's contracts below the threshold for the application of ZJN-3, whose estimated value is below the thresholds set out in Article 21(1) of ZJN-3 and is equal to or higher than EUR 10,000 excluding VAT, can be found here:
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The Institute for economic research website is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act due to the following exceptions (inaccessible content).
At the Institute for Economic Research, we are constantly striving to improve the user experience for our users and are continuously improving individual accessibility elements accordingly. However, some of the content published in the current phase of website adaptation does not yet meet all the accessibility requirements set out in the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act. Examples of such typical content include:
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Prav tako pa nas lahko obvestite o morebitnih primerih neskladne vsebine z Zakonom o dostopnosti spletišč in mobilnih aplikacij, ki jih bomo skušali v najkrajšem času izboljšati oziroma vam bomo omogočili alternativne vire dostopa.
Odgovor boste prejeli v roku osmih dni od prejema obvestila oziroma prošnje. Če v tem roku ne bomo mogli podati ustreznega odgovora, vam bomo sporočili, kdaj bo odgovor podan in razloge za zakasnitev odgovora.
All the information available on the Institute for Economic Research website can be obtained by:
This statement was prepared on 19 April 2023 on the basis of a self-assessment. The statement was last reviewed on 19 April 2023.
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Ministry of Digital Transformation
Information Society Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia
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1000 Ljubljana
t. +386 1 555 58 48