The Institute for Economic Research is an independent research organisation that generates fundamental knowledge and conducts cutting-edge research in the field of economics relevant to the sustainable development of the Republic of Slovenia. 


and development

In the context of competitiveness and development, defined by the intensive internationalisation of the economy, innovation in all phases of production and the rapid development of new technologies, we examine the situation and measures to improve the competitiveness of ...

Technology development and innovation

Our activities in this area are focused on the research, development and innovation (RDI) activities of companies and the government policies and measures to encourage these activities ...

Social inclusion
and pensions

Social inclusion and pensions contributes to understanding the economic situation and social inclusion of (sub-groups of) the population and the impact of social security, family, tax and pension legislation on ...

Health and
long term care

Health and long-term care contributes to solving the challenges of organising and financing healthcare and long-term care, with the aim of ensuring the best possible outcome for the user (the patient) in relation to the resources invested.

Business consultancy

Business consultancy includes both scientific research and business consultancy. On the one hand, we study the patterns and trends that define what happens at the entrepreneurial level, how companies respond to current challenges (e.g. the 2008 economic crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic) ...

Labour market and education

We carry out micro-econometric research based on administrative and survey data. Recent studies include: an analysis of time allocation and emotional exhaustion during the Covid-19 pandemic in Slovenia ...

Regional and structural development

Research in the field of regional and structural development includes basic and applied research, which addresses theoretical issues of differences in development, using quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse development differences in Slovenia and the EU ...

Environment and
sustainable development

The environment and sustainable development area contributes to addressing the challenges of sustainable development, including the valuation of natural assets, cost-benefit assessments of environmental policies, efforts to promote the creation of green technologies and ...

Culture and
creative sector

Our work uses economic and econometric methods to analyse developments in the arts, cultural and creative sectors. The creative sector (e.g. architecture, design, advertising, computer games, creative tourism) uses culture as an input for its operations ...

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